Zandoogjes 5
4814 SB Breda
assistant available
Mo to Fr: 8.30 to 12.30 h
Register? You can do so directly via the registration form. Would you prefer to do this by phone? Then our assistant can be reached from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 12.30. You can call her for questions, making or rescheduling appointments and other matters. Outside these hours, you can be put through to the midwife on duty via a direct dial number.
Contact midwifery practice
De Ooievaar in Breda
For delivery, emergencies, urgent questions and making an initial appointment, you can reach us 24 hours a day by calling 076-5148142.
Consultations at the following locations:
St. Bavostraat 27A Rijsbergen.
Also follow us on our own Facebookpagina and Instagram.